Global Climate Strike 2019
Many of the ECSA headquarters team will take part in the Global Climate Strike in Berlin this Friday (20 September) to show our support for this essential movement.
The climate crisis is a major threat to human civilization and we are hurtling towards many dangerous ‘tipping points’. For several months, in an initiative started by Greta Thunberg, young people around the world have been missing school each Friday (under the banner #FridaysForFuture) to demand real action to tackle global heating and demand their right to a future that isn’t defined by the climate crisis.
Young people are calling for millions across the planet to disrupt ‘business as usual’ by joining the global climate strikes on 20 and 27 September, to send a clear message to the UN climate change summit that greater action is needed.
ECSA has been always concerned with environmental protection, supporting projects related to biodiversity monitoring, nature conservation, air pollution and emissions, among others. We are currently finalising our internal environmental guidelines about how we can limit our own contributions to climate change and promote greater sustainability in our work place and activities.
The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, where ECSA is hosted, is also taking part in the Global Climate Strike. The museum will open its doors to all citizens, free of charge, throughout the day. Experts will be available to explain the links between climate change, species extinction and ecology. In addition, two workshops will offer opportunities for discussion and exchange with scientists on the subject of climate change. And the special exhibition ARTEFAKTE, which has been extended until 20 October, invites visitors to look more closely at the catastrophic effects of human activity on nature.
So this Friday, join ECSA and millions more in the fight to tackle the climate crisis!
What can you do?
- Get involved! Search for a local strike at your city here and invite your family and friends
- Share updates on social media using the hashtags #ClimateStrike and #FridaysforFuture