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Working Groups

ECSA working groups carry out strategic work around a particular theme related to citizen science. Membership of an ECSA working group is open to all ECSA members, and the groups decide themselves which activities to work on. Their achievements and future plans are presented at our annual general assembly.

Each working group is led by a chair or chairs, who are elected for two years at the general assemblies. The chairs are responsible for the communication within the working group, as well as communication with ECSA headquarters. This includes providing written updates for ECSA annual reports and attending the annual General Assembly to report about their work.

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working group

ECSA members are encouraged to propose new working groups that they see as relevant for the field. Working groups are officially established at the ECSA General Assembly, which takes place once a year. ECSA headquarters can approve pilot activities of a working group until the General Assembly is able to vote on its formation.

For more information about how to start a working group, please read our ‘Guidelines for working groups’.

ECSA will support the development of methodologies, build capacities and develop three interrelated key competencies:

  • Promoting Sustainability through Citizen Science
  • Building a Think Tank for Citizen Science
  • Developing Participatory Methods for Cooperation, Empowerment & Impact

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All rights reserved.

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Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). All rights reserved.

Webdesign by Goldweiss