Ten Principles of Citizen Science

Ten Principles of Citizen Science


Ten Principles
of Citizen Science

Citizen Science is a flexible concept which can be adapted and applied within diverse situations and disciplines. The statements below were developed by the ‘Sharing best practice and building capacity’ working group of the European Citizen Science Association, led by the Natural History Museum London with input from many members of the Association, to set out some of the key principles which as a community we believe underlie good practice in citizen science.

Dhjetë parimet e “shkencës me qytetarët” (ALB)

(ARA) المبادئ العشرة لمشروع علم المواطن

(ARM) Քաղաքացի գիտնականների ներգրավվածության տասը սկզբունքներ

Десет принципа на гражданската наука (BGR)

10 Principis de Ciència Ciutadana (CAT)

公众科学原则_BestPractices (CHN)

10 smjernica građanske znanosti (HR)

10 Principů občanské vědy (CZE)

10 Principper for Citizen Science – Borgervidenskab (DAN)

10 Principes van de Burgerwetenschap (DUT)

10 Principles of Citizen Science (ENG)

Harrastusteaduse kümme põhimõtet (EST)

Herritarren zientziaren hamar printzipio (EUS)

ده اصل علم شهروندی (FAR)

Kansalaistieteen kymmenen periaatetta (FIN)

10 Principes de Sciences Participatives (FRA)

10 Prinzipien von Citizen Science (GER)

Οι 10 αρχές της Επιστήμης του Πολίτη (GRE)

(HEB) עשרה עקרונות של מדע אזרחי

10 Elv a Civil Tudományról (HUN)

10 Principi della Citizen Science (ITA)

市民科学の10の原則 (JPN)

시민과학의 열 가지 원칙 (KOR)

10 Sabiedriskās Zinātnes Principi (LAV)

10 piliečių mokslo principų (LIT)

Десет принципи на граѓанската наука (MAC)

Иргэний шинжлэх ухааны арван зарчим (MNG)

नागरिक विज्ञानका दस सिद्धान्तहरू (NEP)

10 Zasad Nauki Obywatelskiej (POL)

10 Princípios da Ciência Cidadã (POR)

Zece principii ale cetățenilor de știință (RUM)

Десять принципов гражданской наукиДесять (RUS)

Deset principa građanske nauke (SRP)

10 princípov občianskej vedy (SLO)

10 Načel Participativne Znanosti (SLV)

10 Principios de Ciencia Ciudadana (SPA)

10 Principer för Medborgarforskning – Citizen Science (SWE)

Yurttaş Bilimin On İlkesi (TUR)

Десять принципів громадянської науки (UKR)

Deg egwyddor sy’n perthyn i wyddoniaeth y dinesydd (WEL)

Our aim is to translate these principles into as many languages as possible. If you can translate the principles into your language, please contact ECSA headquarters.


ECSA Characteristics
of Citizen Science

Citizen science is a common name for a wide range of activities and practices. It is possible to understand it by considering the characteristics of those activities and practices. These are found in different scientific disciplines – from the natural sciences to the social sciences and the humanities – and within each discipline, the interpretation of citizen science can be slightly different.

ECSA’s Characteristics of Citizen Science attempt to represent a wide range of opinions in an inclusive way, to allow for different types of projects and programmes, where context-specific criteria can be set. The characteristics are based on views expressed by researchers, practitioners, public officials and the wider public.

Further explanation and background are provided in the ‘ECSA’s characteristics of citizen science: explanation notes’ document.

Click below to read the characteristics.

Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA).
All rights reserved.

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Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). All rights reserved.

Webdesign by Goldweiss