ECSA 2020 call for proposals: some questions and answers
There are just a few weeks until the call for proposals for the third international ECSA conference closes (1 November). As people finalise their submissions, we want to share some of the queries received about the submission process – and our responses.
Q. I would like to submit a paper, but not a session or poster proposal. Is this possible?
A. Yes, it is possible to submit a paper, but you need to choose a session format for your paper from the ones listed in the call for proposals.
Q. For a session proposal – not a paper – do we still have to use EasyChair?
A. Yes, Easy Chair is the only way to make proposal submissions.
Q. After this call for session proposals closes, will there be another call for paper presentations?
A. There is only one call for proposals for ECSA2020 ending on 29 September, and for paper presentations you still need to choose a session format (the one that best suits your needs).
Q. I’d like to submit a poster, but your session formats do not list posters – only “e-poster presentations”. Could you clarify how this works?
A. There will be one e-poster presentation session during the conference, on 25 May. The e-posters will be presented as a single page with static text and images shown on LCD monitors in the e-poster pods. Accepted poster authors will receive technical guidelines on how to prepare the PDF document so that it displays properly. Presenters will be assigned the date and time of their presentations, and attendees will find the e-poster schedule in the online programme and the conference app. The amount of time per presentation slot will be determined by the number of e-posters accepted.
Q. Can we submit an extended abstract to be presented as an e-poster?
A. Yes, you can also submit extended abstracts for e-posters.
Q. If I want to propose a presentation session, I understand that I should propose 4-5 people who are going to speak. Do these people also have to submit independent abstracts, asking to be included in our session?
A. No: one submission is enough, but it should clearly state the number of presenters and what each of them will tackle.
Q. Can you give me more information about the public events and marketplace at ECSA 2020?
A More information will be available on the conference website in the following months, so please check the website and ECSA social media channels regularly.
Q. We would like to propose two sessions and refer from one to the other. Should both be accepted, we might organise a handover from one session to the other. Alternatively, we could propose a longer session (around 120 minutes) which integrates both topics. Are these options possible, or will they create issues with the programme planning?
A. We suggest you submit two different sessions and the programme committee will see how one or both of them align with the stated acceptance criteria. This way, you will have two sessions that refer to each other, but can also exist independently in case one of them should not be accepted.
Q. What is the minimum length of an extended abstract?
A. It should be at least 500 words (and up to 1,000 words).
Q. Can we add a table to an abstract, and if so, does this count towards the word limit?
A. You can insert tables, which are considered towards the word limit. If you do not manage to format the table into the EasyChair text field, you can also upload the PDF version and indicate in the text field to check there for the table.
Q. Does the list of references count towards the word limit?
A. Yes, the word count includes references – but we only require minimal or abbreviated references at this stage.
Q. Will all contributions to a panel session be submitted as one extended abstract for the proceedings, or can each co-author choose to opt in/out?
A. If the panel want to submit a paper or papers from each person, they can do so. Co-panelists can decide to opt in or out of being published in the proceedings; this is the case for everyone.
Q. I plan to send in two abstracts: one for a workshop/dialogue session, and one (extended) abstract for a paper presentation on a related theme. Do we need to send in a separate proposal for the second abstract?
A. Two sessions means two separate proposal submissions: these can certainly refer to each other, but they should be submitted independently in case one of them is not accepted.