Get involved on 13 April
– written by Dr. Tiberius Ignat
Are you a citizen scientist? Do you manage a citizen science project? Why not celebrate Citizen Science Day on 13 April?
On that day, a global community of citizen science practitioners and supporters will be holding hundreds of events to raise awareness of the importance of engagement between science and society.
If you or your institution are involved in citizen science, then why not support one of the many great activities out there, and make it even stronger on 13 April? You could pick a citizen science project or two to help: distribute their flyers, bookmarks, games or videos!
Or, if you want to be part of something really big, you could condense one year of lab work into one hour of citizen science: all by playing Stall Catchers, a gamified way of contributing to Alzheimer’s research, during their Megathon. That’s what we can achieve if we work together! For example, invite your network and your friends to register at and be proud to help scientists answer a key Alzheimer’s research question.
It’s also essential to show your community that science is a field in which we can all play a role. Why not make a poster and tell the world that 13 April is Citizen Science Day? You could highlight projects you care about on your poster.
Or, if you are a regular user of libraries, talk to your librarian friends about how they could support citizen science. Tell them about the Librarian’s Guide to Citizen Science (pdf) or that the Association of European Research Libraries have started a working group dedicated to citizen science. Do it on 13 April!
Whatever you do on Citizen Science Day – do something! And, more importantly, tell everyone you are doing it!
Citizen Science Day is celebrated each year on 13 April. Visit SciStarter for more resources.
Dr. Tiberius Ignat is director at Scientific Knowledge Services AG in Switzerland. He is a member of ECSA and of the Citizen Science Association in the USA.
Photo from Pixabay