This ECSA working group is no longer active.
During its years of operation, its vision was: “A shared, coordinated platform to leverage citizen science for the global surveillance and control of disease-carrying mosquitos, including the species that bear: Yellow fever, Chikungunya, dengue, Zika, malaria, and West Nile virus. Global Mosquito Alert will be an open, common e-infrastructure, platform and protocol that may be augmented with modular components and implemented on a range of scales to meet local and global research and management needs.”
Key citizen science mosquito-monitoring initiatives worked together to enable citizens to join scientists in understanding the spread of mosquito species capable of carrying critical diseases, and to provide information to help health professionals and citizens manage the associated risks.
No current chairs.
This group is currently inactive.
A UN-backed press release in 2017 was translated into several languages (PDFs):
Other achievements included:
This group is currently inactive.