ProjectsACCTING | AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal

ACCTING is an EU-funded project aiming to understand the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, prevent inequalities, and produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual and collective levels for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal.

The global climate crisis is not only an ecological crisis but also an economic, social and political crisis, with devastating impacts on individuals and societies. These negative impacts are not evenly distributed within societies. It is the poorer, marginalised and vulnerable groups who are the most acutely affected, exacerbating existing socio-economic inequalities

ACCTING is an EU-funded project aiming to understand the impact of Green Deal policies on vulnerable groups, prevent inequalities, and produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual and collective levels for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal.


  • Understand
    the impact of Green Deal policy initiatives on individual and collective behaviours with specific attention to vulnerable groups.
  • Empower
    policymakers and other stakeholders to anticipate and mitigate the potential negative impacts of policies on inequalities.
  • Co-creatively design
    and implement pilot actions to be deployed by policymakers and stakeholders in the policy domains of the Green Deal.

ECSA activities and milestones

ECSA together with the project partners will develop operational guidelines and recommendations for the decision makers, policy makers, and civil society organizations and economic employers. These recommendations and guidelines will be focused on how to develop policies and corroborate their adaptation to initiate individual and collective behavioral changes for a positive input to green deal policies.


Running until May 2025, ACCTING is based on two research and innovation cycles, each cycle consisting of four steps:

ACCTING research is based on eight research lines, defining the thematic focus of the project and generating 41 experimental studies in 13 countries.
The research phase includes an extensive mapping and comparative analysis of 150 bottom-up environmental initiatives in 34 countries and the collection of 410 interviews with individuals from vulnerable groups

This is a co-creation step, which interprets the results coming from the research stage in the multi-disciplinary, multi-actor co-design format of Open Studios. There are 4 Open Studios in each cycle.

This step develops insights to operational and actionable solutions at three levels:

  • formulates operational guidelines and recommendations to policymakers on how to improve Green Deal policies, anticipating behaviour and avoiding increases in inequalities;
  • uses the results of experimental lines and Open Studios to launch a set of 10 Pilot Actions that operationalises the recommendations, increases their visibility and potential, and demonstrates their potential impact;
  • develops agendas for future research based on the knowledge gaps and open questions identified and concepts co-designed in the Open Studios

The focus of this step is to maximise the impact of the work done through:

  • dissemination of project result, communication and advocacy activities
  • in-depth evaluation of the impacts of the experimental and pilot activities
Dr. Nikita Sharma Project officer
Simona Cerrato Communications and community manager

Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA).
All rights reserved.

Webdesign by Goldweiss

Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). All rights reserved.

Webdesign by Goldweiss