Summary of results from our first #CitSciChat on CS and Responsible Research and Innovation

14. September 2016by ECSA
ECSA News - Engage

Summary of results from our first #CitSciChat on CS and Responsible Research and Innovation

by Franziska Sattler and Claudia Göbel

Considering that every month around 500 million people use Twitter and that science is amongst the topics that are tweeted about most. – social media has become an essential channel for citizen science. #CitSciChat is a regular twitter Q&A session on citizen science topics pioneered by US researcher and citizen science advocate Caren Cooper in cooperation with SciStarter. These open online discussions, happening at fixed times, usually have a panel of invited speakers and follow a list of questions, and as the discussion is live and public on twitter, everybody with an account is invited to follow and contribute their knowledge, opinions and questions (read more on #CitSciChat and upcoming topics on Caren’s homepage).

Through the ECSA Working Group on CS & Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and our involvement in the DITOs project, we want to start discussing questions about the intersection of citizen science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) within the citizen science community. Read more in our introductory blog post here.

Our first RRI&CS #CitSciChat session took place on Wednesday, 27 July 2016. The 1-hour session was meant to introduce the general topic and gather insights and feedback from the European and global CS community. There were 526 unique users hashtags (citizenscience, citscichat or citsci, with 64 mentions of TogetherSci, putting DITOs on the map as a key player in the RRI discussion.

We had exciting discussions on topics, such as science-society-policy relationships, how to run both local and international stakeholder events and what ist he best way to provide a discussion forum for interested parties, along with ten questions. Most widely discussed were:

  1. What is “Responsible Research & Innovation” (& EU initiative) & why is it important?
  2. Have any examples of educational resources & guidelines to embrace responsibility RRI relevant to citizen science
  3. How can RRI issues (OA, gender, ethics, governance, edu, engagement) be addressed in citizen science?
  4. What are key concerns at European-global scale at intersection of RRI & citizen science? Regional differences in concerns?
  5. How central a role might citizen science play with Responsible Research & Innovation?
  6. How to evaluate impacts that citizen science can have on science-society-policy relationships?
  7. Please share good examples of innovations emerging from RRI & citizen science?
  8. How to create infrastructure & culture to promote RRI & citizen science?
  9. RRI & citizen science are broad & evolving concepts, should we keep flexible or now time to be concrete & focused?
  10. What is your vision & dreams for the next 5 or 10 years Citizen Science and RRI

Find the highlights of the entire panel discussion summarized according to the questions in our Storify here:

You may also find the full discussion in Ciencia Ciudadana‘s Storify here


We warmly thank the following people for joining the #CitSciChat and hope to have you on board for the next Twitter panel:

Aleksandra Berditchevskaia, Knowledge Transfer Manager at Tekiu

Alice Sheppard, ExCiteS comunity manager at the UCL

Fermin Serrano, Executive Director at Fundación Ibercivis

Jessie Cappadonna, Management Committee Member at the Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA)

Jorge Barrero, General Manager at Fundación COTEC

Margaret Gold, Director of the The Mobile Collective, Member of Board of Directors at European Citizen Science Association

Norbert Steinhaus, Project coordinator at Bonn Science Shop, partner of RRI-Tools, Living Knowledge Network

And as host

Caren B. Cooper, Assistant Head of the Biodiversity Research Lab at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, founder and moderator of #CitSciChat


This event was realized in cooperation with the the H2020 project Doing-it-Together-Sciences (DITOs) and the Observatory of Citizen Science in Spain. More info at: and

The DITOs project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 709443.

The Observatory of Citizen Science in Spain is an initiative of Ibercivis with the support of FECYT.


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Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). All rights reserved.

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