The EU-funded research project ACCTING – AdvanCing behavioural Change Through an INclusive Green deal – has started! ACCTING will produce knowledge and innovations to advance behavioural change at individual, group, and societal levels, for an inclusive and equal European Green Deal during the next 40 months. The project kick off took place on 15 and 16 February 2022 in Strasbourg and online.
ECSA is a project partner together with other eleven organizations. We are looking forward to working together with this consortium.
You can read more on the project here in the press release published by ESF (European Science Foundation), coordinator of the project, and follow the project on Twitter @ACCTING_EU and LinkedIn at company/accting-eu/.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101036504.