A new programme, Ocean Cities, has been endorsed under the UN’s Ocean Decade programme. Ocean Cities is an international network that will boost sustainable ocean cities toward 2030.
“Resilience of coastal cities in the face of climate change is a critical challenge for decades to come,” said Dr Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, the UN body charged with the task of coordinating the Ocean Decade. “It is therefore an excellent development that Ocean Cities will be a part of the first set of endorsed programmes of the UN Decade of Science for Sustainable Development.”
ECSA will participate in Ocean Cities as a member of the Alliance for the Decade of Ocean Science for the Mediterranean (DOS-MED) Collaboration Centre .
You can keep up to date with the Ocean Decade on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram) using the following address: @UNOceanDecade
Photo: (c) www.flickr.com/photos/andilicious/