Introducing D-NOSES – Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability

20. August 2018by ECSA
ECSA News - Introducing D-NOSES

Introducing D-NOSES – Distributed Network for Odour Sensing, Empowerment and Sustainability

D-NOSES is an EU H2020 funded project that has started in April this year. The project aims to provide a bottom-up approach to tackling odour pollution issues.

Project aims
D-NOSES will introduce new mapping, data collection and community engagement tools to facilitate citizen science interventions across Europe and beyond. Data will be collected in The International Odour Observatory, an open access platform dedicated to promoting engagement at all levels, and literally putting odour pollution on the map. Citizens will then join other stakeholders such as industries, local authorities and NGOs, in at least 10 pilot sites to co-create solutions for their odour problems.

Project outcomes
From April 2018 to March 2021, and with a 3,1 M budget, D-NOSES will produce the Green Paper on Odour Pollution, scientific and policy guidelines, and a Strategic Roadmap on Odour Pollution to introduce the issue into the policy agenda and help promote sustainability through community action.

ECSA´s role
ECSA is one of the major citizen science experts in the project and is simultaneously responsible for the pilot study and evaluation of the odour pollution situation in Germany. ECSA is also leader of a task on policy-society scientific dialogues and on the writing of the DIY guidelines for project replicability.

How you can get involved
You can help us build a comprehensive International Odour Observatory by telling us about your experiences with odour pollution. Maybe you even work with (or know someone who works with) air quality measurements or odour issues in Europe. If you do, please let us know! It will help us gather the highest possible amount of good quality data, which will then be openly accessible to everyone for their use, and will help empower citizens to become drivers of change.
If you are personally impacted by odour pollution, contact us so we can discuss how our project could potentially help your community.

Join the D-NOSES webinar ont he 29th of August
If you are part of a community that is impacted by odour pollution, or are just generally interested in the project, join Rosa Arias (the project coordinator) in the webinar about D-NOSES, organized by ISWA (International Solid Waste Association), one of our project partners. Click here for details and registration.

Become ECSA´s student assitant for the D-NOSES project
We are currently looking for a student assitant for the D-NOSES project. Application deadline is the 26th of August 2018. Want to become ECSA´s newest student assistant? Click here for details.

For any questions on ECSA in D-NOSES, please get in touch with Simone Rüfenacht.
For more information on the project and access to deliverables, please visit the D-NOSES website.


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Copyright by European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). All rights reserved.

Webdesign by Goldweiss